The 1st Post: REINCARNATION, A Re-Post Of PZ's Original First Entry

Date: December 25th, 2016

Previously on PZ: My Life: Dreams, Plans & Happy Twitter Rants

*The following entry was previously published on Project Zeitgeist prior to the database hack of July 2016*

This was once Project Zeitgeist's original first entry when I first launched this blog several years ago. I thought it would be fun to repost it now.


So here I am with a brand-spanking-new blog and a brand-spanking-new year to go right along with it. I’ve gone through a lot in my life to come to this point now where I feel confident in bringing the gifts I have to offer into the eye of the world. For those who would receive such gifts this website is meant especially for you. Well... what IS this website all about? And who is this strange person writing these words you’re reading?! Lets go down the rabbit hole and find out!


What is Project Zeitgeist?

Zeitgeist: (noun) the defining spirit or mood of a particular era of history as shown by the beliefs and ideas of the time.

From German: zeit (time) + geist (spirit). The spirit of time.


Project Zeitgeist is much like it sounds to be an ongoing project regarding the spirit of time - in the form of a cross between a photojournal and a blog. It originally was an idea of mine for an online collaborative community art project which would have been a photojournal of the human experience in the time we are living right now the beginning of the 21st century (I could still do this...!). But the evolved PZ I am presenting now is much more profound in its scope being concerned with ALL of time rather than just a tiny slice of it. But what is there to say about the spirit of All Time and really what is there to make a project of it?

We are the spirit of All Time. Project Zeitgeist is about us the totality and expressions of our own human experience. The original idea was to capture the sheer awesomeness and diversity that our lives are in this era of time. This original idea has not been discarded, only expanded in order to encompass so much more. Project Zeitgeist is at its very core all about life personal development and creativity. In this blog I will explore the many different aspects of the relationships between humans divinity technology and nature. I developed this blog so that I could have a central outlet to express and share my creative gifts. I write for myself and for my family and friends for my children and grandchildren and for this wonderful crazy existence in which I have found myself.

Who Am I? My name is Anastasia Valentine and I am a psychonaut. :) At 26 years of age my eyes are full of stars because I haven't grown up and I don't intend to do so anytime soon. I live inside a mushroom with my awesome boyfriend and our loveable pitbull on the suburbs of Denver... the Mile High City where we all insanely love our art our music and of course our cannabis!

My life is a pilgrimage through a strange universe that I am always striving to better understand appreciate and operate within. I really enjoy thinking outside the box so I'm one of those people that likes asking “big questions”. I reach to understand the grandest concepts imaginable. I am heavily inspired by the cosmos and epic stories with cosmic implications.

I am extremely creative and have been an artist all my life. There are many artistic channels that I greatly enjoy: drawing, painting, writing, photography, web design, sugar art, quilting, modeling, tattoo design, interior decoration, artistic journal blogging... and so so much more! I am constantly finding new ways to express myself so the list could go on forever. My current favorite is using my computer to draw and paint digitally using Photoshop but I love to work with traditional media as well.

I like to live by the phrase “Make your mark heavy and dark; if you erase then erase completely”. Well I've recently done some much-needed erasing in my life and now I'm in the process of making my mark the way I always wanted to. This is my new beginning; this is my reincarnation.

If you happen to be an outside reader reading this then I welcome you with open arms! There's not much yet but there will be. I hope you are able to find something interesting during your stay :)