Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | The Aftermath Halos 16-17

Date: February 6th, 2025 9:01 PM

Previously on PZ: Caught In Another World: A NSFW Nikke Parallel Universe Story | The Rendezvous Halos 14-15

Previously on Caught In Another World: The Rendezvous Halos 14-15

WARNING!: The following is a fanfiction based on the Nikke: Goddess Of Victory universe; as such I do not own these characters & this is not an official story. These parts are SFW.

Nikke Goddess Of Victory Andersen and Rapunzel

Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story

Halo Sixteen: The Aftermath... RIOT MAKERS

Months after that first fateful night in the church, the day came when the Ark's top brass grew suspicious of Andersen's clockwork disappearances. I first became aware of it when I was suddenly called into a conference room with Deputy Chief Burningum and Elysion's CEO, Ingrid. Somehow, I knew exactly what they wanted before they even uttered a word. As they explained the situation to me a dull thrum echoed throughout my head, quietly at first and then steadily growing into a loud roar. He's completely unreachable one night a month on the full moon... reports of him sighted at the Outpost late at night... does not confide in us like he used to... suspicious activity... possibly a Pilgrim... scandal that could rock the Ark... serious offense... a high-ranking official doing so is far worse... he is fond of you, he won't suspect you... spy on Andersen for us, Commander?

I acted surprised, as if all of this was completely new to me. I tried to joke with them about the possibility of him being a werewolf, but they were too resolute to be moved by humor. Apparently there were hushed yet boisterous conversations between the maids who had seen him visiting the Outpost's hotel with an unknown "Mystery Nikke", and then the rumor spread to Privaty, which meant it promptly reached the Central Government's ears. They even showed me pictures taken by the maids of him wearing plainclothes outside the hotel's elevator, luckily sans Rapunzel— only a single tuft of golden hair and one of her glass-like stilettos appeared at the bottom of one of the images. While the maids adoringly referred to it as "the princess shoe", Ingrid and Burningum saw it as the only identifiable evidence in their case to be made against Andersen. I concealed the fact that I just couldn't understand why something like a human-Nikke relationship would be so illegal in a deputy chief's private life.

I had agreed to do the job, of course— how could I not?— yet as soon as I exited the building I pulled out my phone and texted Andersen: They're onto you.

What evidence do they have?, he texted back.

Nothing substantial, but they're watching. Just don't get caught.

Just don't get caught. The words blared out from the phone screen and bored into Andersen's eyeballs like laser beams. He had been meeting Rapunzel at the Outpost's hotel at least once a month for nearly a year, and they were expecting to meet there again the next evening. He had thought they were doing a good job of keeping their relationship a secret, but then again the Central Government was known to have eyes and ears everywhere. Who saw us, when and how?... Well, what's done is done. I need to contact Rapunzel before they tap my communications.

A knock came at the door to his office before he even had the chance to pull up the appropriate message thread. "Come in," Andersen called out as he put his phone away and established his baseline pokerface. To his chagrin Ingrid came sauntering inside with an air of arrogance he knew would not bode well for him.

"Care to make a confession?," she asked smugly, her eye contact unwavering.

"Why on earth would I confess to you?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Andersen. I know all your secrets. And I'll find out about this new one soon enough."

"I haven't the slightest idea of what you're talking about, Ingrid."

"The Mystery Nikke, the one you take to that seedy hotel once a month. Who is she? Is she a Pilgrim?"

"Hmm, doesn't ring a bell. Perhaps your intel is wrong."

"Like hell it is! I've got photographic evidence that puts you at the scene!"

"Why are you being like this? I don't stalk you in your private life."

"Have you forgotten what the punishment is for human-Nikke interrelations on your level? Your behavior is hardly appropriate for a Deputy Chief of the Ark."

"So that's what this is for? You're worried I'll be punished again? I can handle my own affairs, thank you very much."

"Dammit, Andersen! You used to fuck ME! Why do you need to go sneaking off with a Nikke when you have a perfectly good human being standing right in front of you?"

"Because we tried, and things didn't work out between us. It just wasn't meant to be."

"She's a machine! You don't belong with her! She can't love you, and she can't give you children!"

"None of those things are true and you know that."

"Oh, you just don't learn, do you? You're going to end up in the Pit of The Gulag again at this rate."

"I told you never to mention that place to me ever again."

"Well if your ears are closed, then so are mine. Perhaps you would be willing to listen if SHE were to end up there instead of you."

"...You can't be serious."

"Who says I'm joking? You know what I'm capable of."

"To permanently ruin a life because of, what? Jealousy? That's hardly appropriate behavior for a CEO of Elysion."

"Don't you try to turn the tables on me! You're the one breaking the deep law!"

Andersen slammed his hand on his desk with a bang. "I've had enough of this nonsense. I want you to leave. We will discuss this later."

"We will discuss this now. Because if we don't, I may just call Extrinsic, and have them take care of your little mystery mistress for me."

"Ingrid, no..."

"After all, only an Irregular Nikke would eschew her duty to humanity in favor of pursuing her own romantic interests with a human. And not just any human, but a politically powerful one such as yourself. I think the Judges would find such motivations rather suspicious for a Pilgrim, don't you?"

"You wouldn't dare do something like that..."

"Oh, but I would. I didn't build the Pilgrim Tower for you so you could FUCK them!!" Ingrid yelled contemptuously, upending the desktop until the computer fell with a crash at Andersen's feet. "I made it for you so you could try to find your old squadmates! Well, I won't be made a fool of. If you don't want the situation to get ugly, then I suggest you cut things off with her while you still can. Do it tomorrow, and nothing unfortunate will have to happen. That favorite commander of yours will be watching you like a hawk on my behalf, so don't even try to pull a fast one on me."

Ingrid walked to the door to leave, but stopped within the threshold and turned back. "It would be an awful shame if you had to spend the rest of your limited days rotting in the same hellhole you fought so hard to escape from all those years ago." With those words hanging in the air like a fog of poison, she slammed the door behind her, leaving Andersen alone in his office with his troubled thoughts.

This is quickly spiraling out of my control... I have to contact Rapunzel, even if my lines are tapped. She can't go to the hotel anymore. I can't let them get ahold of her.

"Damn you, Ingrid," he muttered beneath his breath as he drew his phone from his pocket and clicked on Rapunzel's thread. No more hotel rendezvous, it's too dangerous. Meet me instead at dusk where it all began. Be careful.

Are you safe?, she texted in return.

Yes. But we can't talk here. I'll tell you later.

Andersen paused to think for a moment, glancing angrily at the crumpled heap of electronics Ingrid threw in a fit upon the ground. He then pulled up another thread on his phone and began to type. We need to talk about your newest assignment. Come to my office, ASAP.

Halo Seventeen: The Aftermath... CHORALONE


As nighttime crawled across the Dome Of Eternity's cybernetic sky, a velvet-cloaked figure ascended the steps of the Outpost's church and hastily entered through its massive doors. Upon seeing only a scant number of people praying inside, Rapunzel lifted back her hood and made her way into an available confessional booth, where she held her rosary and knelt to pray. "Forgive me, please... forgive me for falling in love with a human instead of remaining chaste. I didn't mean for things to end up like this, but it happened, and... I don't feel any regrets at all. I'm sorry for not being sorry enough. Please forgive me for my impudence..."

She wasn't sure at first, but she thought she could hear a familiar voice begin to pray on the other side of the confessional's latticed opening. "...I've fallen in love with a Nikke who isn't you, and we are building a life together that you and I could only dream of. I'll never forget you or the time that was stolen from us, but please, forgive me for moving forward without you, my dear Lilith..."

"Andy?" Rapunzel whispered cautiously. A small door on the other side of the latticework slid open, revealing Andersen on the other side of the confessional window.

"Yes it's me, darling. You can relax."

"What is happening? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. But we've been compromised. They haven't identified you yet, but things are escalating more quickly than I ever imagined they would."

"Do they know that we're married?"

"Not at all. And I'm certain they don't know we're expecting, either. But they're eager to find out, so we must move very carefully."

"Will we have to stop meeting each other?" Rapunzel asked sadly as she placed her fingertips upon the latticework.

"We will never stop meeting each other." Andersen placed his fingertips upon hers, silently lamenting at the screen keeping them apart. "I made a promise to you, Rapunzel, and I will do everything in my power to keep that promise, no matter what comes our way."

A smile spread across Rapunzel's lips as she gently wiped a tear from her eye. "Where will we go now?," she asked.

"I've prepared accommodations for us in advance just for this occasion. I have a Nikke-friendly vehicle out back, I'll take you there."


"Yes, my dear?"

"Kiss me, please. I can't wait another minute. I don't care if there's a divider between us."

Without any hesitation Andersen leaned forward to kiss the partition just as Rapunzel did the same on her side. As she pulled away she realized she left a slight lipstick print upon the latticework, but she just couldn't bring herself to wipe it off.

"I'll give you a proper kiss once we get there," he whispered lowly, "but we must leave now. Follow me, and keep your face down..."


The two lovers left the confessionals and made their way to the back of the church together, where Rapunzel experienced a sense of déjà vu as Andersen held a door ajar for her. In the parking lot he opened the car door and surveyed their surroundings while she took her seat, then climbed into the driver's side and started the engine. "If we didn't have to keep such a low profile, I would have preferred to chauffeur you in a more zippy automobile. A drive around the Ark in my coupe this time of night is quite the splendid experience."

"It sounds amazing! But you know missing out on such things doesn't bother me. All I want is to remember every last moment spent with you."

"I know my dear, it's just that... you deserve so much more than I can offer you in the midst of all this secrecy. In another world, we could walk down Royal Road together and no one would bat an eye. Our marriage could be legally binding. Our child's existence wouldn't have to remain hidden in a world where Nikkes can enjoy full reproductive rights. But..."

"But we don't live in that world, my love."

"...Does it not bother you?"

Rapunzel shifted in her seat to better face him but did not immediately answer his question. "When we first started talking about marriage, do you remember what I asked of you?"

"You said 'a bird and a fish may fall in love, but where will they make their home?' You were concerned about how our worlds would collide, and whether matrimony would interfere with our separate duties. I remember like it was yesterday."

"And we've found our home, against all odds, in the spaces where water and air exist together! I would be lying if I said that I don't want to live in the world you've described. Such a world would be a wonderful place to live in. But we're together, here, now, in this world, not that one... so long as we continue making new memories together, that's all that matters to me."

Andersen took his eyes off the road for a moment in order to glance sympathetically at his wife. "You're still concerned about our one-year anniversary coming up, aren't you?"

"Of course I am. I'll have to delete every bit of our first night in the church. I won't be able to remember how we met each other again. And as time goes on, I'll remember even less of our time with each other. So... we have to keep making new memories together."

"And we will. I'll remember everything for you, and I'll tell you about it whenever you wish. But I don't think that's all you're worried about... is it?"

Rapunzel fell silent and stared despondently out the window. "I'm afraid there will come a day when you won't be around to tell me anymore. And then eventually, I won't be able to remember our time together at all." Hot tears welled up in her eyes, but she did her damnedest not to let him see them.

Still, he knew they were there.

"Now Zel, what makes you think such things? You talk as though there isn't any fight left in me."

"I know you're dying, Andy!" Rapunzel practically exploded with emotion, despite her best efforts to remain calm. "I've seen you getting sick. You try to shield me from the truth, but you can't hide it from me forever. What they did to you in that prison is killing you, and you don't have any idea how much time you actually have left."

Andersen sighed, but said nothing as she looked at him with tears streaming down her cheeks in rivers. Hers were the saddest blue eyes he had ever seen since the last day he saw Liliweiss.

"Well? Am I wrong?" Rapunzel cried with urgency.

"No, you're not wrong. But you're not entirely right, either. None of us know how much time we have left, Rapunzel. I've surpassed more expiration dates than I can remember, and I'm still here."

Andersen tightened his grip upon the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. "I simply cannot allow the bastards to get me down. I promised you I would be with you until the very end, and I will. Together we will find a way to raise a child that will carry both our memories forward into the future, a child that could end up seeing humanity's return to the surface one day. Like you said, we are living in this world, not a perfect one, so we have to make the best with what we've got. If the day comes when I can't remind you of our time together, then our child will be the one to remind you of it instead. So you see, darling... you will always have a part of me with you, no matter what happens."

With that said, Andersen laced his fingers into her own, and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze as if to silently say please don't worry anymore my love, for everything will be just fine, because we are together right now.

Rapunzel wiped away her tears with a sniffle and smiled gratefully. "We really are lucky to be able to create new life together, aren't we?"

"Yes, we really are. Since this technology is so malfeasant, it is utterly clandestine, meaning most Nikkes will never know it even exists and will therefore never have a shot at motherhood. I do not understand why so many people are threatened by the very concept of Nikke reproduction via stem cells, considering the dire straits ensnaring humanity..."

"I know why."

"Do you? Then please, enlighten me."

"It's because we're not considered human. We're killing machines, not birthing machines."

Andersen's pokerface contorted into a grimace. "Grr, like nails on a chalkboard... I hate hearing you say things like that."

"But you know that's how most people see us. And besides, humans want babies that are made the natural way, from other humans."

"Except when they can't do it the natural way, in which case the wealthy are more than happy to consider Nikkes as secret birthing machines..."

"Yes, but even in those circumstances, the genetic material comes from two human beings, and the Nikke involved is simply an incubator."

"That's not right, though. Every Nikke has a human brain. That fact alone should be enough to consider Nikkes human beings as well."

"It should be enough, but it often isn't. There's too many differences between humans and Nikkes for the two to be considered the same. We're made of metal, not flesh. We can thrive in harsh environments and run for miles without tiring. We can live for centuries on very little food. Some Nikkes even have the memory capacity to remember everything. And there's something else, too."

"What is it?"

"Humans believe they were made in the image of God. And Nikkes were created in the image of humans. Because of that power imbalance, we will never be considered as existing on the same level... But you knew all of this already, didn't you, darling? There was no need for me to enlighten you at all."

"I knew," Andersen replied dryly, "I was hoping you didn't, though."

"You prefer me to remain ignorant?"

"I prefer you to remain happy."

"And I AM happy, more so than I've ever been in my entire life. I have you to thank for that!" Rapunzel smiled broadly and gave his hand a gentle squeeze as if to silently say please don't worry anymore my love, for everything will be just fine, because we are together right now.

Upon looking at her face, Andersen couldn't help but sport a smile himself. "We're almost there," he declared, "and fortunately for us, I don't think we were followed. Still, though, we should both remain vigilant until we are safely inside."

"An ounce of prevention..." Rapunzel began, slipping the hood of her domino over her head.

"...Is worth a pound of cure," Andersen finished, narrowing his eyes as he stared intently into the rear-view mirror.

Tags: Fandom, Nikke: Goddess Of Victory, Caught In Another World: Nikke Parallel Universe Story, Entertainment, Love, Romance, Philosophy




Caught In Another World: A NSFW Nikke Parallel Universe Story | The Rendezvous Halos 14-15

Date: January 21st, 2025 7:05 PM

Previously on PZ: Scarlet And The Black Beast: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halo One

Previously on Caught In Another World: The Rendezvous Halos 12-13

WARNING!: The following is a NSFW fanfiction intended for those 18+ in age. It is based on the Nikke: Goddess Of Victory universe; as such I do not own these characters & this is not an official story.

Nikke Goddess Of Victory Andersen and Rapunzel

Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story

Halo Fourteen: The Rendezvous... PINION

It was a long and glorious kiss, so much so that Rapunzel nearly felt dizzy with elation. As they made out Andersen slowly unzipped the side of her dress and loosened it from her figure, allowing her massive breasts to spill out of their confinement. He leaned back with her upon the bed until she laid on top of him, then rolled on his side and flipped them both over, switching places so that he was on top of her. His hand plunged beneath her dress and between her legs, where he proceeded to rip a wide hole in the crotch of her stockings and tear away her underwear.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" she gasped in astonishment.

"Nylons are a nice touch, but how else am I going to sodomize you?", he replied with a mischievous smirk.


"Don't worry, I promise I'll be gentle. At first."

With Rapunzel's dress entirely free from her body, he unceremoniously threw it on top of his jacket and set to work unzipping his fly. Rapunzel's heart skipped a beat the moment she laid eyes upon his hardened cock, and fluttered madly within her chest as he pushed it deep into her dripping vagina. Yes, that's it! The sensation I've been craving ever since that night! This— this is what I've always wanted, my entire life! Videos and magazines could never come close to real sex with a real man, like this... She closed her eyes and moaned blissfully as Andersen continued to make love to her while sucking on her neck.

"I, ah... I thought you said... you were... ahhhh.... going to... sodomize me?"

"That's right. You wouldn't want me to try it dry, now would you?"

"Oh my! Will it... ahh, ahh!... Will it hurt?"

"Yes. But only a little, at first."

"If, ahh... if you're getting close... can I see it?"

"You want to see me cum?"

"I do..."

"Then get ready, I'm almost there."

After several more rapturous moments passed, Andersen quickly pulled out of her and began to stroke himself to completion. Rapunzel was beside herself in seventh heaven as she watched his cock explode with semen like a geyser all over her belly and breasts, where it glistened in the light of the chandelier.

"Oh my ghost!" she exclaimed excitedly, "There's so much of it! I had no idea... and you're still so hard!"

Andersen pressed his palm against her soiled abdomen and scooped some of his own semen onto his fingers. "Now turn over, my dear... I want you on your knees."

As Rapunzel shifted onto her stomach and arched her back, she was suddenly reminded of the giant mirror hanging upon the headboard of the bed as she came face to face with her own breathless reflection. She briefly made eye contact with Andersen in the looking-glass before he slathered his seed upon her anus and took hold of her shoulders as he leaned forward to whisper into her ear. "Are you ready, Rapunzel?"

"Y-yes!" she cried out expectantly. At least, I think I am!

"Good. Now take a deep breath... relax... and pray for me."

The air rushed into Rapunzel's lungs, and she began to invoke her god: "Dear creator, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name...."

A hard mass pressed firmly against her anus, and began to push its way inside her. There was some resistance, but the pushing continued until she felt a breach within her depths. Oh God... it hurts!! A sharp gasp escaped from her throat, but Andersen did not cease pushing. He made some saliva in his mouth and gently spat upon the area where the shaft of his cock met her anus. "Keep praying," he goaded her.

"...Th-thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth—ohhh! On earth... as it heaven!!"

Once he was entirely inside her he slid his hands beneath her shoulder blades and pressed her heavily into the bed as he began to pump in and out of her rectum with increasing ease. Oh, so intense!! I feel like I'm being split in half! But somehow... it feels so good at the same time! How is this possible? Can there really be a fine line between pleasure and pain, like that one Nikke told me? As she was pinned down and fucked like the girls she saw in dirty videos, Rapunzel became mesmerized with the view afforded her by the mirror, and her moans of pleasure resounded throughout the room with every thrust. His physical prowess hypnotized her, made her android blood boil and her muscles quiver, to the point that her fascination would not allow her to look away. When Andersen saw her staring at him in the reflection he smiled and blew her a kiss, causing her cheeks to flush crimson. He's enjoying this as much as I am... Oh, if this is a dream, I do not want to wake up! But this cannot be a dream, because... I can really feel every single bit of it!

"I... I love you," she whispered subconsciously in the midst of her heavy panting.

Andersen came to a pause mid-thrust. "What did you just say?"

"Oh, n-n-nothing!" I can't believe I actually said that out loud! Why does he always manage to hear the embarrassing things I say?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Rapunzel." Andersen's hands slid down her arms and firmly grasped both of her wrists. "Tell me," he said, pulling her back toward him until her torso lifted off the bed, "who is it you really love?"

"It's— it's you, of course!"

He slammed his cock deep inside her, prompting her to gasp. Her heavy breasts swayed in midair to his movements, making him harder than ever. "And who am I?"

"Yo- you're... Deputy Chief Andersen!"

He pulled on her wrists and slammed into her again, inciting another gasp as her back arched to the max. She's so unbelievably tight, it's driving me crazy trying to not finish so quickly... "And what do you love about me?"

"I love the way you f— the way you f-f—"

"Say the word. I know you can."

"Oh, dear Lord! I love the way you... the way you FUCK me!!"

Andersen grinned and slammed himself all the way inside her yet again, reveling in her every gasp and sigh as he continued to fuck her despite already skating the edge. I'm about to explode at any moment... I haven't been this hungry for a woman in years... I just cant get enough of her! Why? As his salacious gaze pored over the peaks and valleys of her trembling body, the answer became clear, staring him right in the eyes from behind a pair of brilliant blue orbs looking at him in the mirror. She is perfect for me, and I am perfect for her. That's why.

Andersen leaned toward her and whispered lowly into the hair covering her left ear: "And... who's my very good girl?"

"Mmm... m-me?" Rapunzel flashed a large hopeful smile, nearly sending his heartbeat into a tailspin. Egad, she's so beautiful when she smiles... I could die a happy man tonight because of her.

"Haha... that's right. You." He kissed her ear until the golden strands fell away and then softly nibbled upon the helix with his front teeth. He could feel Rapunzel shudder almost immediately in response. In the mirror he could see her dripping into a puddle amidst the satin sheets.

"Ahh, oh my! Andersen, I'm... I'm melting! Please, don't stop! It's.. so close! I can feel it!"

Hot damn. Hearing this was more than enough to send him over the edge. He folded his fingers into hers and squeezed while the orgasm washed over him in waves, his cock throbbing as he filled her to bursting point with his seed. Rapunzel's body shook like a leaf and her rapturous sex noises filled the room during her own moment of climax. Milky white fluids dripped from their groins as the two lovers quietly caught their breaths, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Out of nowhere, Rapunzel's continual sighing was replaced with merry laughter.

"What's so funny?" a puzzled Andersen asked her.

"Our sheets got dirty, and need to be washed!" She chuckled as if she had just told the world's funniest joke, her sapphire eyes twinkling as she grinned at him. A memory suddenly popped into the forefront of Andersen's mind while he gazed upon her heartwarming smile: "I want to see Rapunzel happy". It seemed to him that he had succeeded in that endeavor, if only for the evening.

"Forget the sheets, my dear. YOU are dirty and need to be washed! Come here!" Andersen playfully grabbed her and dragged a gleefully squealing Rapunzel into the bathroom's shower. They kissed for what felt like ages as the hot water streamed over their entwined bodies, and in the arms of a golden-haired priestess Andersen finally came to an irrevocable decision: I love you too, Rapunzel. I may not have much time left, but I promise I will use it to protect you until the day I depart from this world.

Halo Fifteen: The Rendezvous... LITHIUM FLOWERS


After entering the hotel room with Snow White, we took up a position near the wet bar where we could easily hide without being seen or heard. We knelt in the shadows and listened intently as Rapunzel spoke to Andersen of her feelings. "Huh. Well she certainly has an affinity for him, that's for sure. But how does he feel about her?"

"It sounds like she's wondering the same about him," I replied.

"He seems so familiar to me somehow... but I just can't make out where I've seen him. Or what she sees in this guy."

"He seems to like her too, though. So he does have a romantic side... I wonder who his long-lost love could be?"

"Shhh! I can't hear what they're saying!"


I managed to remain quiet until I heard Andersen utter a word that compelled me to question Snow White: "Prison? Did he just say he used to be in prison?"

"Sounds like it, yeah."

"What kind of a prison would a deputy chief be sent to?" I wondered aloud without meaning to.

"Look!" Snow White suddenly whispered as she pointed towards the pair kissing each other. "It's... beautiful."

"Oh, you haven't seen anything yet," I muttered with a smirk.

"I almost forgot, you've seen them do this before."

"Have you ever seen people doing this kind of stuff before?"

"No. Well, maybe once. Or twice. I walked in on Rapunzel watching a video years ago."


"And what?"

"What did you think of it?"

"There wasn't much to think about. She smashed the player before I could really see anything. It did sound a lot like this, though."

"She is rather vocal, isn't she?"

As we continued to watch and listen, I could feel my cock begin to harden uncomfortably against the zipper of my pants. Unlike last time, however, I was not alone and could not simply whip it out to pleasure myself. I glanced nervously at Snow White, but she was too busy witnessing her squadmate's tryst to even notice my predicament. This is going to be really difficult... I thought to myself as I watched Andersen ejaculate all over Rapunzel's heaving body.

"What the—? Is that really what happens when a man... you know...?"

"Yeah, that's what happens."

"It's... weird. And kinda gross."

I shrugged. "Some people find it pretty sexy."

"What's he doing to her now? Is he... really going to put it in there?"

"M-maybe..." So difficult...

"Is he hurting her?" Snow White raised herself upon her haunches and glared evermore intently over the countertop. "He IS! I've gotta stop this!"

"No, wait!" I blurted out as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back before she could bolt off, "Look, she's actually enjoying it."

"You're... you're right..." Snow White whispered incredulously. "But how could she let him...! How can she be enjoying this...?"

An uncontrollable groan erupted from my throat, causing Snow White to look at me with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just peachy." So... freaking... difficult!!

"Are you sure? 'Cuz you're sweating bullets."

"Um, yeah. I'm fine."

"Why is your hand on your crotch? Are you...? Oh my ghost ARE YOU?!—"

"Shh, shh!! Keep it down!"

"YOU keep it down!"

"I'm trying to keep it down!"

"Well try harder! Ugh, I mean— just keep it in your pants!"

"I was planning on it," I insisted as she inched herself away from me while giving me side eye. Busted...

We watched the sex act taking place before us in silence for quite some time; I was mesmerized, but Snow White was grimacing. Finally, she emitted a low sigh and shook her head. "I just don't get it. I don't get the appeal of this sex stuff."

"Seeing it doesn't turn you on at all?"

"I guess not."

"Maybe it's something you just have to experience yourself."

"I'll pass. Seeing it alone makes me want to barf."


"Yeah. I miss the days when she drooled over you instead. At least you guys didn't do... whatever the hell this is."

"Yeah, lucky me," I said sarcastically, but then I suddenly grew pensive. "...You could find someone you want to be with one day too, you know. There's no need to feel jealous of Rapunzel."

"What? Where's this coming from?"

"You told me earlier that romantic stuff isn't a possibility for you. I'm saying it is. You just haven't met the right person yet."

Snow White looked at me sadly and shook her head. "No, that's not it. I'm not jealous of Rapunzel. I'm jealous of him. And it's not possible for me to find the right person anymore. The only woman I've ever loved died of corruption years ago. In another world, we could have been together. In her hometown, baking bread and listening to old music... But I just can't see myself ever wanting to be in anyone else's arms but hers." A single tear slid slowly down her cheek and splattered upon her firearm.

The sound of Rapunzel's effervescent laughter sliced through the tension like a hot knife through butter, bringing us both back to reality at once. Snow White wiped the wetness from her face and glanced towards the bed. "They're gone now...I think I've seen enough. Time to go."

"Okay. Be safe."

"You're done too. Come on, we're going."

"B-but—!" But they're gonna do it again, I just know it!

"No buts. Rapunzel's fine. We're both leaving. Now." Snow White grabbed my forearm and pulled me to my feet without noticing I was still pitching a tent. As I was dragged out of the room with a lingering hard-on I managed to glance into the bathroom and saw Andersen kissing Rapunzel in the shower. She did not notice me, but I could have sworn I made a split second of eye contact with him before we hurried out the door.


"Andersen, will we ever see each other again after tonight?"

The question came amidst a bout of quietude as he watched Rapunzel unravel her braid and carefully brush through her long blonde tresses, locks of hair spread out across the bed like rivers of gold.

"Yes, of course we will," he answered, sitting up slightly from a lounging position. "Now that we have each other's contact information, communication won't be so difficult for us anymore. We can do this every full moon, if you wish."

"Really?" She turned and smiled at him, her large lustrous eyes beaming with hope. "Oh, I would love to!"

"Alright then, it's settled." Andersen couldn't help but smile too as he swished the whiskey around in his glass and took a sip.

"You should see the full moons up on the surface! Ahh, they're absolutely amazing! And the sunrises, and fields of flowers, and mountaintops, and..."

"Rapunzel. I don't mean to interrupt, but... I cannot go to the surface. I won't last long up there."

"Oh, don't worry! My hair will keep us safe, and I'll protect..."

Andersen tapped upon the black device implanted into his left side. It was connected to a softly beeping machine that was plugged into the wall. "I told you what this is, didn't I? Do you remember?"

"You told me it's very important medicine."

"Mmm, that's an abridged version. The truth is, this device is keeping me alive. If this Outpost wasn't running on the Ark's power grid, I'd never be able to spend this time with you. For me, the surface is a one-way trip."

Rapunzel had stopped brushing her hair and become pensive upon hearing his words. "If that's so, then are you... dying?"

"Dying? Hardly. This is just what it takes to keep me going. Humans aren't meant to live as long as I have, even with these cybernetics." Andersen downed the rest of his whiskey in one gulp and smoothed back his hair with a sigh. Oof, why did she have to cut to the chase so quickly? I need to change the subject before she asks more questions. "What about you, Rapunzel? You must be tired of living on the surface after so many years. This place could be your permanent home, if you'd like it to be. You wouldn't have to worry about a thing while in my care."

"Oh, Andersen... If there is such a thing as Paradise, surely it is this place. I would love to live here. But I cannot do that. I belong on the surface... where I can lay my poor sisters to rest. It's the least I can do for them after they've made the ultimate sacrifice."

"I understand completely."

"You do?"

"Yes. We each have our separate missions, but we are both working towards the same goal. The same goal our sisters are working toward."

"You're right... we do live in different worlds, but we still share the same sky." Rapunzel turned toward him and smiled weakly. "If we keep meeting each other, though... it might become difficult for us to keep our worlds apart."

Andersen appeared thoughtful for a moment. "There's something I should tell you about my world. A thousand Raptures couldn't keep me from you, but I know what can. The Central Government would never condone someone in my position engaging in a personal relationship with a Nikke, especially a Pilgrim. Doing this could put your life in grave danger if we were ever discovered by the wrong people."

To his surprise and reassurance, Rapunzel smiled and let out a soft laugh. "I understand that, but... now that I've found you, there is nothing that can keep me from you. Maybe it's because we've been at war for so long, but I've gotten rather used to navigating grave danger."

"It's settled, then..." Andersen replied as he unhooked himself from the once-beeping machine, "we'll cross that bridge if we get to it. For now, though, I want to make love to you again and again until the daylight comes along..."

Tags: Fandom, Nikke: Goddess Of Victory, Caught In Another World: Nikke Parallel Universe Story, NSFW, Raunchy, Entertainment, Sexuality, Romance




Scarlet And The Black Beast: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halo One

Date: January 15th, 2025 5:11 PM

Previously on PZ: Not Tomorrow

WARNING!: The following is a fanfiction based on the Nikke: Goddess Of Victory universe; as such I do not own all of the characters that appear & this is not an official story. This part is SFW but the content may be disturbing to some.

Scarlet and the Black Beast: an erotic horror story

[Scarlet And The Black Beast: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story]

Halo One: The Demon God

Scarlet the Nikke swordswoman had never considered herself a lady of faith in the supernatural, but there came a day when even she couldn't deny that throughout the same world she traversed walked god-like spirits which she could not explain with all of her life's understanding. This is the tragic story of how she came to spend seven days with one of the most malevolent gods in the universe, and lived to tell the tale.

The ill-fated day began idyllically enough, with a happily whistling Scarlet busily tilling the soil for her crops as a singular blade of grass hung from her mouth. The warm breeze and blue sky above her carried traces of a distant forest fire brought on by a strike of lightning from yesterday's terrible thunderstorm, but Scarlet remained unconcerned and continued unabated with her work. She hadn't imbibed any alcohol yet that day, and was daydreaming of the spirits she would be drinking beneath the moonlight that night. In retrospect, that is exactly why she had not perceived something was wrong until it was too late.

It was the inexplicable sound of drum beats echoing through the air that made her come to her senses and look around. She did not know when it happened, but at some point during her tilling the sky had turned an oppressive shade of purple and all animal life became completely silent. Another storm, perhaps? she wondered as she dropped her hoe and continued to survey her surroundings. The drum beats numbered ten in total and then stopped as quickly as they came, but it was not possible for her to tell from whence they derived because the sound seemed to be coming to her from every direction. The day's pastoral peacefulness had given way to a cold and foreign malaise that hung thickly in the air without any explanation, causing Scarlet to suddenly gather her belongings and abandon her fledgling farm.

As she made her way uphill through the forest to find a better vantage point, any remaining birds and bats abruptly flew from their trees while all kinds of small animals ran past her ankles in a frenzy. There is a most vile evil afoot, but where could it be...? As she stood upon a rock in the middle of a creek with her narrow eyes scoping the vicinity from where the animals fled, it did not take long for her to realize the flowing waters themselves had ceased their constant burbling as well. While she pondered upon what kind of Rapture could cause such strange things to occur, a loud crack erupted into the air as entire trees were blown over in an instant as if caught in the path of a stampede. "Tyrant!" she seethed, quickly drawing her sword and taking an offensive stance in anticipation of a fight. Just when she thought she was ready for anything, she noticed the forest's vegetation rapidly turn from vibrant green life to withered brown death just moments before the the culprit exploded into the clearing.

If it was a Tyrant-class Rapture, it was entirely unlike any she had ever before seen, having every inch of its massive frame teeming with glistening black slime and multiple crimson eyeballs embedded into the flesh all over its spider-like body. Its humungous gaping maw filled with rows upon rows of sharp teeth roared vociferously as the abomination charged directly towards her, causing every last bit of life it came in contact with to decay and perish instantaneously. Water turned into tar, rocks became indelibly stained, and the air grew bitter with the scent of death. Scarlet immediately turned and fled, having realized this was no Rapture after all, but something else entirely that she had never encountered before.

Try as she might to evade its wrath, it soon proved impossible for her to shake off her chthonic pursuer no matter how speedy her movements or clever her misdirections. Only once was she able to glance behind her at the visible trail of death and destruction it left in the wake of its rampage. This fiend is following me! I am the only living thing left for it to chase! Even as a Nikke, my full power is barely affording me this narrow escape! Scarlet sprinted nimbly across the land, leaping from rock to rock and tree to tree, cutting her way through thick vegetation as all was necessary in order to remain one step ahead of the death-inducing menace. But she was only one step ahead, and this fact did not please her in the slightest.

There came a point during the heat of the chase when Scarlet suddenly found herself in a dead end with nowhere safe to turn. "Fie!" she cried angrily before she ran upside the rockface and backflipped off of it over top of the oncoming monster, landing upon her feet just as it slammed into the cliffside. If I kill not this monstrosity in the present, it will surely follow me unto the ends of the earth.

Within the few seconds it took for the monster to recover from the impact and turn towards her, Scarlet took the initiative and slashed at the unholy beast several times before jumping back to survey the damage she caused. An ear-splitting shriek emanated from the wounded monster, and it ceased to chase her any further. No, is it not dead? How can it be thus, when I saw the gore flying from its bisected belly with mine own eyes? A rather tenacious foe, indeed!

To her great surprise the undulating black mass changed its form into what could only be described as an angry ball of tentacles, every one of them flying straight towards her. Adrenaline surged throughout Scarlet's system as she managed to slice through each limb before it could reach her, but their force and frequency only increased with each one she destroyed. I must eliminate this fiend quickly, lest I become overwhelmed and am touched by this evil!

As soon as she was confident she could momentarily hold off the onslaught with one hand, she utilized the other to pull from her satchel a triad of poisonous throwing stars she kept as a weapon of last resort. Yet barely a moment passed before she was struck in the chest by one of the approaching tentacles anyways, in spite of her best efforts. Not movement, nor speech, nor hearing were hers for several seconds as the tentacles rapidly branched apart and consumed her torso with its gelatinous grasp. As a bitterly cold fog began to creep into her brain, her mind was screaming at her: Move, Scarlet! Gather thy wits together and move! MOVE NOW!

With a flick of her wrist and no small amount of difficulty, Scarlet managed to hurl her projectiles into the tentacle ball's core, prompting another head-splitting wail to emanate from the felled creature. Having regained complete control of her body, she utilized Fleetly Fading to sever the tentacle still wrapped around her ribcage and began to inspect the injuries it caused. The skin that came in contact with the appendage felt ablaze as though on fire, even as the strange black slime melted away into oblivion. She looked towards the now-dying beast and noticed its slime melting away in the same manner, eventually revealing to her the creature's true form beneath it with her throwing stars embedded deep into its crown. Is that... a giant bear? Burned by the forest fire? No, it is something more than that...

"Foul brute!" she bellowed furiously before spitting upon it, "Thou art no ordinary fauna. What are thee, verily? Answer me, hellhound!" After delivering a swift kick to its head she realized she did not know exactly what she expected to happen next, but she was certainly surprised to hear it speak in return.

"Foolish mortal," the demon growled as half-congealed blood flowed from its mouth, "Your suffering has only just begun. Now you will learn the true meaning of pain, from the One who knows it all..."

The monster's last words hung thickly in the air like an audible fog of poison, seeping into her brain and infecting her naked soul with a terror she had never known. Scarlet stood speechless as she witnessed the creature's flesh sizzle and decay into oblivion within a matter of seconds, leaving naught but a steaming skeleton in its place. Then the bones, as if charred by some unseen form of heat, slowly burned into cinders that were carried off by the wind, leaving the swordswoman alone with her troubled thoughts. Does mine own mind deceive me? What in all the worlds hast happened here today?!

The sounds of animals and rushing water gradually returned to the area but Scarlet herself was locked in another world, staring blankly upon the stained earth where the demon's carcass vanished. Were it not for the sticky film of pungent ichor that covered her body from the neck down, she might have believed it was all just a terrible dream or hallucination. It could have been hours, days, weeks that went by for all she knew, until something got her attention that brought her back to reality: those damn drum beats off in the distance, slightly louder this time, but still as inexplicable as before. Scarlet listened to them in a daze, counting each one as it echoed into the air until they stopped altogether. Nine beats this time. Ten beats last time. Her eyes widened and her blood ran cold as she realized something truly dreadful: the fiend's body was slain, yet its presence remained... within her own body.

With this thought Scarlet lost all consciousness and fell convulsing into the stained earth before her.

Tags: Fandom, Nikke: Goddess Of Victory, Scarlet And The Black Beast: Nikke Parallel Universe Story, Entertainment, Beauty And The Black Beast, Good And Evil, Horror




Not Tomorrow

Date: January 10th, 2025 10:38 PM

Previously on PZ: Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | The Rendezvous Halos 12-13

Every now and again, a song strikes my heartstrings in a way that indicates it perfectly represents some sort of aspect of my life. I listen to it on repeat, trying to squeeze from it whatever small measure of insight or healing I may glean from it. Right now, that song is Not Tomorrow from the first Silent Hill videogame. Last month it was a couple different songs, but Velveteen from GITS: SAC was one of them. There have been many other songs like this over the years, but I can't think of them off the top of my head right now, because what's really important is how they made me feel at the time.

Not Tomorrow is a song that plays during the nurse Lisa Garland's death scene, where blood starts pouring down from the top of her head. I'm trying to figure out what it is about this song that speaks to me, that so perfectly encapsulates some aspect of my life, and I think it's this: it's a quiet desperation, a soft and tragic horror, when you're faced with something terrible and you want to help but you know you really can't. You just know that you can't get too close or else the problems will swallow you too. And so you save yourself, while being wracked with survivor's guilt, and feeling sorry for the poor thing(s) you could not save. I think that's it. That's how that particular song speaks of my life.

It makes me think about the Lisas Ive had to push away to save myself, the fucked-up situations I found myself in that I couldn't get out of, the way the world is actually a nightmare realm that shifts in ways I can neither control nor predict... the ironic tragedy of existence, of being young and expected to save the entire world from the evil created by past generations. I realize now that in a way, the world is Lisa, and I am Harry... and sometimes, I'm the one who's Lisa, and other people are Harrys.

Soft... quiet... horror. Just like real life.

Tags: Fandom, Sad Girl, The Valentine, Life, Music, Horror




Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | The Rendezvous Halos 12-13

Date: January 5th, 2025 11:33 PM

Previously on PZ: Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halo Eleven: The Deliberation

Previously on Caught In Another World: Halo Eleven: The Deliberation

WARNING!: The following is a fanfiction based on the Nikke: Goddess Of Victory universe; as such I do not own these characters & this is not an official story. These parts are SFW.

Nikke Goddess Of Victory Andersen and Rapunzel

Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story

Halo Twelve: The Rendezvous... SHE


It was ten minutes before midnight when I looked up at the Dome Of Eternity's simulated rendering of a full moon and wondered if Rapunzel would actually show up to meet with Andersen that evening. As I loitered around waiting in the shadows by the Goddess Of Victory statue, I remembered the difficulties I had in procuring the feminine items he had wanted me to purchase for her. Even though he had sent me more than enough credits to cover the costs, it was not easy keeping the presents a secret from my squadmates, and I received more than a few raised eyebrows from the shopkeepers as I ordered them. "Be sure to include this in the package with the gifts," Andersen told me with a knowing eye as he handed me an envelope with Rapunzel's name calligraphed upon it. The envelope was left unsealed, and so I read it as soon as I found myself alone. Are they going to have sex in public again?!, I remembered wondering afterwards. There's only one way to find out, I thought to myself in the present time as I glanced around eagerly at my surroundings. Myself aside, there was not a soul to be seen in any direction.

It was one minute before midnight when a pair of softly-fallen footsteps signaled that I was no longer alone in the vicinity. I looked to see a lone Nikke with long golden hair striding along gracefully in the artificial moonlight, completely oblivious to my presence as she gazed upon the statue with a deep reverence in her eyes. It was indeed Rapunzel, who appeared to radiate pure elegance while wearing the custom gown and shoes I had bought her in Andersen's stead. Before I could properly soak in the fullness of her beauty, I heard a second, heavier pair of footsteps making their approach, and I knew right away the person who they belonged to.

"You came," a plain-clothed Andersen warmly declared as he approached her with his hands in his blazer pockets.

"Andersen... yes, I'm here," Rapunzel replied, her face beaming with a nervous felicity.

"You look absolutely ravishing this evening. I trust you found the supplies in the Tower to your liking?"

"Oh yes, most definitely! I really cannot thank you enough for your generosity."

"I'm glad to hear that. And... I am glad to see you again."

Andersen then removed a hand from his pocket and offered her his arm. "Come with me, Rapunzel. I have a room in the hotel here, and I would appreciate your company this evening."

Rapunzel happily slipped her hand around his forearm and I watched as the two of them walked down the street, softly chatting between themselves. As they meandered through the hotel lobby and entered the elevator, I heard Andersen mention his room was on the tenth floor. I sprinted up several flights of stairs just in time to see them entering one of the suites. After catching my breath I hesitantly reached for the doorknob and was mildly surprised to find the door had not been locked, or even latched.

"I'm not encouraging voyeurism, but as a reward for your silence I could turn a blind eye to your hidden presence if Rapunzel never finds out you've ever seen us."

Andersen's words came rushing back into my mind as a moment of heart-pounding deliberation passed, but it was an unexpectedly familiar voice that stopped me dead in my tracks before I could enter.



I looked into the eyes of a confused Snow White and froze. "What are you doing here?" she asked me in a hushed tone.

"I'm... making sure Rapunzel stays safe."

"Well, that makes two of us. So you know about their relationship?"

"Yeah, I kinda walked in on them by accident.."

"Oh... well, she mentioned you report to this guy. If so, do you think he may be harboring any sort of agenda or ill intentions?"

"I doubt he has any ill intentions, although I can't be certain about an agenda. He is interested in learning from Pilgrims, but... I've never seen him like this with anyone before."

"Could he be... in love with her?"

"It's possible."

"Well, that would at least explain why he's so interested in her when he's already surrounded by dozens of Nikkes. How exactly did she meet him?"

"I don't know. I was surprised to find out they knew each other at all."

"Something doesn't add up here. This isn't like Rapunzel; except for you, she never connects with strangers from the Ark. If you're looking after her, that's probably all that's necessary, but I want to see the two of them together before I head back up to the surface."

"Uh... what?"

"Is something wrong?"

"You do realize you may see something you don't want to see, right?"

Snow White lightly blushed, which stunned me. "I... I actually do want to see it. That romantic stuff isn't a possibility for me, but it's apparently become a reality for her. I can only experience it vicariously through her. I've known Rapunzel for a long time... I want to make sure this guy actually makes her as happy as she seems."

"...Fair enough. Alright then, let's go."

"Wait... the door's not locked?"

"Fortunate for us... right?"

"I suppose so. Saves me from having to pick the damn thing. But we've gotta be quiet now, we're going in." Snow White put a finger to her lips and stealthily entered the room with me in tow.

Halo Thirteen: The Rendezvous... VELVETEEN

"Would you prefer red wine, or white?"

While Andersen strode over towards the room's wet bar, Rapunzel was far too busy admiring details of the beautiful suite to even hear his question. "Oh, what a magnificent place! Everything is just so perfect, I... I almost cannot believe this is not a dream!"

"Believe it. This will be your home for the evening. I'll be having red wine myself... would you care for a glass?"

"Oh, no thank you! I tend to leave the drinking of alcohol to... others." Scarlet, ahem.

"I'm sure one glass couldn't hurt. This is a special occasion, after all."

"I do suppose you're right. Very well then, I'll have whatever you're having."

As Rapunzel strolled past a resplendent bed of satin, she caught a glimpse of herself in the large mirror upon its headboard. The dress she wore now was far more revealing than anything she had ever worn in the past, yet she wore it exceedingly well and could not remember ever feeling more powerful in her own skin before that point. As a sonorous melody imbued the room with wonder, she gave her dress a happy little twirl and watched as the fabric flowed around her before being settled by gravity over top her glass-like stilettos.

"What song is this?" Rapunzel asked in fascination as Andersen handed her a glass of blood red wine. "It's so beautiful... it sounds like something from another world."

"It's called Ave Maria. It's a hymn from many centuries before the Raptures' arrival... another world indeed, to us."

As they sipped at their wine and Rapunzel marveled at its flavor, things he wanted to do with her flashed before his mind's eye and an overwhelming desire to touch her came over him. Andersen reached out and allowed his fingertips to gently stroke her spine along her bare back, almost as if he half expected his hand to go through her like a ghost. "You're really here, aren't you?" he murmured beneath his breath as he inhaled Rapunzel's perfume through her flaxen hair, "I must admit, I wasn't certain you would show up."

"At first, I wasn't certain I would come. My world hasn't been the same ever since... that night."

"How do you mean?"

"Well, I have no real trouble carrying out my duties like before, but... something in me has changed."

A flash of curiosity crossed Andersen's face as he observed Rapunzel staring absentmindedly into her wine glass while she maundered over towards the window wall and spoke without making eye contact: "I feel it... everywhere I go, no matter what I do, I feel a longing sensation. It's as if I've finally satisfied a hunger, only to become even more ravenous than before."

"The heart yearns for whatever it truly wants, regardless of what we think of it." Andersen quietly stepped up beside her and watched as she ran her finger wistfully around the rim of her glass. Is she having doubts, or is it regret? I need to know more. "What is it you find yourself longing for?", he asked inquisitively.

"It isn't something I can have, so... it's not worth discussing, really."

"Rapunzel. Tell me." I need to know more of you.

"Ahh, well... I long for companionship... for you, actually. I cannot stop thinking about you, and it's a kind of soft insanity inside my mind."

Without meaning to, she tilted her head back and drank deeply from her glass, her swan-like neck pulsating elegantly even as she gulped down all of her wine. As she then stood transfixed by the skyline view, Andersen's perceptive gaze upon her never wavered. She continued: "Even when I'm praying for my fallen sisters, I can feel you in the air I breathe... in the wind that passes through me as I traverse the surface. I see you in my dreams, in my own reflection. It... feels rather embarrassing to say all this out loud, now that I think of it." She smiled weakly and waved her hand dismissively through the air. "My, my, this wine works quite quickly! F-forget I said anything!"

"There's no need for you to feel any embarrassment. It pleases me to hear you say such things." I needed to know these emotions are mutual between us, and now I know they are.

"Oh?" Rapunzel puzzled curiously, unaware that she was blushing. "W-well... what about you then? How are you feeling about all this?"

Andersen suddenly threw back the rest of his wine too and solemnly set the glass aside without making eye contact. Rapunzel watched him as he removed his jacket while maundering towards the bed, sitting down upon the edge of it with what seemed to be a heavy heart. She subconsciously set her glass next to his and stood in front of him, unsure if she should speak any further. He took her hand and pulled her closer to him.

"Rapunzel," he began, "I am going to entrust you with a secret of mine that should never be repeated. I too dream of romance, and have for a very long time. I threw myself into my work to forget a long-lost love..." Andersen trailed off, suddenly staring beyond her into nothingness.

Rapunzel's sapphire eyes sparkled with compassion as she gently sat in his lap with her thighs straddling his hips. "You're speaking of Liliweiss, aren't you?"

His eyes then returned to her gaze. "Yes. My position provides an endless escape from being haunted by those sentimental dreams she seeded within me. But I found out the hard way, there really is no escaping such a powerful force as the desire for love."

"The hard way... wouldn't happen to have anything to do with these, would it?" Rapunzel's index finger traced along one of Andersen's many scars, until it disappeared beneath his shirt beyond her reach. She had forgotten just how many he had until she spotted it a moment ago.

"Prison," he replied nonchalantly.

"Prison?!... but— but why—?"

"Shhhhh..." Andersen shushed as he placed his fingers over her mouth. "No more questions for now. Just kiss me, Rapunzel..."

Tags: Fandom, Nikke: Goddess Of Victory, Caught In Another World: Nikke Parallel Universe Story, Entertainment, Romance




Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halo Eleven: The Deliberation

Date: January 3rd, 2025 2:33 PM

Previously on PZ: Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halo Ten: The Agreement

Previously on Caught In Another World: Halo Ten: The Agreement

WARNING!: The following is a fanfiction based on the Nikke: Goddess Of Victory universe; as such I do not own these characters & this is not an official story. This part is SFW.

Nikke Goddess Of Victory Andersen and Rapunzel

Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story

Halo Eleven: The Deliberation


During their next monthly meeting, the three Pilgrims composing the Pioneer squad found themselves sitting around a small campfire, chewing away upon some deer jerky Snow White brought along with her. As they chatted into the night, the taciturn gunslinger blurted out a sentence that made Rapunzel blush uncontrollably.

"You seem different somehow, Rapunzel. You keep smiling and staring off into space. What's gotten into you?"

"!!... Well, I... I met someone while I was visiting Believer, and... he and I had a wonderful time together."

"A wonderful time? That sounds great. What did you guys do?"

"U-uhm, well, we, ah... we wrestled."

"You... wrestled? Does that mean what I think it means?"

"W-well, what do you think it means?"

"Methinks Rapunzel hath been clapping cheeks," Scarlet chimed in with a smirk.

"Scarlet! How vulgar!"

"What does that mean?!" Snow White asked, throwing her hands into the air exasperatedly.

"It means she hath taken on a lover."

"Seriously? Is that true, Rapunzel?"

"Y-yes, it's true."

"But... why?"

"Because... I was lonely, and... Believer doesn't see me that way... and when the opportunity arose, I just couldn't resist..."

"I thought you said before that stuff was sinful?"

"I'm not so sure of that after all..."

"It seems Red Hood awakened something in thee all those years ago," Scarlet mused.

"You're not going to see him again, right?"

"Well... Believer relayed me a message the other day saying there are supplies available for pickup inside the Pilgrim Tower. He says they're for me. I'm certain they're really from him."

"So this guy you met has the ability to give you supplies on the down low? Is he some high-ranking official or something?"

"Y-yes, as a matter of fact. I think Believer reports to him, actually. That's why he's the one who messaged me."

"Hmm... I don't like it. Something doesn't smell right. Why would some government brass be interested in a Pilgrim other than to gain something from us?"

"Upon this I agree with Snow White," Scarlett added, "this man is practically a stranger, and may have nefarious reasons for gaining your trust."

But he's not a stranger, he was our Goddess squad Commander!, Rapunzel thought sadly. Oh how I wish I could tell you... but what would you think of me, knowing how much he once loved Liliweiss? And what would you think of him, working for a government that left us upon the surface to fend for ourselves?

"That is certainly possible, although I do not think it's the case here. It's not like he's asking me to meet him inside the Ark. We've been to the Pilgrim Tower before, and nothing bad happened from it. I do not think Believer would summon me there if doing so would put me in harm's way."

"T'would seem thy heart is set upon this journey. Very well then, I shall accompany you."

"I'll go too. I want to see if this is real or not. But it's getting late now. We should camp here and set out first thing in the morning."

"O-oh, alright then. I'm going to go pray. Goodnight, dear sisters."


It took over half a day for the Pioneer squad to reach their destination. Upon entering the empty Tower, it did not take the three Pilgrims long to find a large crate they had never seen there before. After opening it, they marveled at the panoply of items inside.

"Canned food GALORE, Splendamin products, bottled water, repair kits, walkie-talkies, rope, flares, emergency blankets... this is a goldmine," Snow White rattled off as she sifted through the contents, a hint of drool glistening on the corner of her mouth.

"Pray tell, what is that?" Scarlet asked curiously, pointing to a mysterious package separate from the rest of the array.

"... It's addressed to you, Rapunzel." Snow White lifted the parcel from the crate and set it before the ecstatic priestess. "What are you staring at it for? Go ahead, open it."

"Oh, what could it be?" Rapunzel mused eagerly as she carefully opened the box. All three Pilgrims gasped upon seeing its wondrous contents.

"Is that... a dress?" Snow White questioned in amazement.

Rapunzel was utterly speechless with joy as she held up the glittering gown before her eyes. "Quickly now, hold it up against yourself, like so," Scarlet urged her as she helped hold the garment against her body. "Why, it looks like a perfect fit! What a most magnificent adornment thine lover hath proffered!"

Snow White held up a pair of shimmering high heels she had pulled from the box. "These came with it. They match the dress."

"Oh, they're so beautiful!!" Rapunzel squealed with delight. "They look as if they're made of glass! I wonder if a Nikke could even wear such a thing?"

"They most assuredly are not made from glass, then, if they are made for Nikkes," stated Scarlet.

"This is definitely made from glass, though," Snow White said as she pulled a small fancy bottle from the package. "It's perfume."

After giving the air a good spray, all three Nikkes leaned in to smell it, and all three let out a sigh of deep contentment after doing so.

"What a delectable aroma!" Scarlet breathed happily.

"It smells like a field of flowers," Snow White added, "I've heard about perfume before but I've never smelled anything like this. This is amazing."

"Do not mind me..." Scarlet crooned as she sprayed some perfume upon her wrists and dabbed them together.

"Scarlet, that belongs to Rapunzel. We shouldn't be using it."

"Oh it's alright, Snow White. I don't mind sharing it with you both."

While her comrades were busily inspecting the beautiful gifts, Rapunzel's eye drew towards an envelope sitting at the bottom of the parcel with her name written upon it in red calligraphy. Her heart seemed ready to leap from her chest as she cheerfully opened it to find that it contained a hand-written letter addressed affectionately to her:

Dearest Rapunzel,
I wish you well, and I hope you enjoy these gifts. Please wear them when you visit the Goddess Of Victory statue in the Outpost at midnight on the next full moon. I will meet you then and there.
Sincerely, A.

"My, my!" Scarlet quipped as she read the message over Rapunzel's shoulder along with Snow White. "Perhaps there is not so much for us to worry about as we initially believed."

"I'm still not so sure about that," Snow White murmured with a slight frown, "The Outpost seems like paradise to us because it lies beyond the Central Government's radar, but that could mean he may try some funny business. I'd rather one of us accompany you to your rendezvous as a bodyguard, just to be on the safe side."

"Oh thank you, but that won't be necessary, Snow. I'll be fine."

"You're going, aren't you?"

"Yes of course!"

"Then it's settled. I'll accompany you from the shadows. You won't even know I'm there."

Before she could hear Rapunzel groan in response, Snow White began gathering canned food into her arms. "Come on, I know we're all starving, so let's make some of this food. We can camp outside the Tower entrance tonight."

Tags: Fandom, Nikke: Goddess Of Victory, Caught In Another World: Nikke Parallel Universe Story, Entertainment, Friendship




Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halo Ten: The Agreement

Date: January 1st, 2025 7:21 PM

Previously on PZ: 2024 Into 2025

Previously on Caught In Another World: Halo Zero: Genesis

WARNING!: The following is a fanfiction based on the Nikke: Goddess Of Victory universe; as such I do not own these characters & this is not an official story. This part is SFW.

Nikke Goddess Of Victory Andersen and Rapunzel

Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story

Halo Ten: The Agreement

I didn't have a clue how to look Andersen in the eye after what I saw him doing with Rapunzel in the church last week. So when he called me into his office without specifying why, I stared into the distance as discreetly as I could manage while he talked about my recent performance as a commander. Yet despite my attempts to act naturally, Andersen still recognized my behavior was amiss.

"...Are you even listening? Something else is clearly on your mind. So, spit it out."

"!!... It's nothing."

"Nothing? Or something?"

Andersen drew uncomfortably close. I could feel him glaring at me, but I still could not look him in the eye. "I know you were at the church the other night. Leaving a mess like that behind for someone else to clean up... you should feel ashamed."

"I should feel ashamed?! You're the one who—!!" I realized the moment I opened my mouth and met his gaze that I had betrayed my feint of ignorance.

"Ha! I knew it. What did you see while you were there?"

"I saw nothing."

"You're lying. I won't ask again. What did you see?"

"...I saw you with a Pilgrim."

"Which Pilgrim?"


"And what was I doing with her?"

I drew in a sharp breath as I felt my face growing hot with remembrance. "I'd... rather not say."

"Hmm..." Now it was Andersen sporting the thousand-yard stare. "Have you told anyone about it? Rapi, Anis, Neon? Do they know you visited the church?"

"... No, and no."

"Then you are the only one who knows. What will it take for me to buy your silence?"

"My silence? You don't need to buy it. I have no intention of revealing what I saw to anyone."

"Is that so? I appreciate that, truly."

"I only have one question."

"Fire away."

"What are you going to do with Rapunzel now? She deserves better than a one-night stand in a place she goes to pray."

"Hmm..." Andersen fidgeted meaninglessly with the cuff of his sleeve. "You are right, of course. She does deserve better. And that is why I want to spoil her somehow. I can easily smuggle food and supplies into the Pilgrim Tower for her pickup, but... I want to get her something special. A dress, a pair of shoes, some perfume... things only the Ark has to offer."

"You want to buy gifts for Rapunzel?"

"Yes, I do. Why are you looking at me so surprised like that?"

"It's just that I've never seen this side of you."

"And you never would have if you hadn't seen us that night. My problem is, I cannot be seen purchasing such items myself. Additionally, I have no means of contacting her."

"I can give you her contact information."

"No. As much as I want that information, it's something I would rather she give to me herself. If you are offering to help, however, you could give her a message for me."

"I can do that. Will I be giving her your gifts as well?"

"I just told you I cannot be seen purchasing such things in the Ark. People will suspect something, and we cannot afford that. Survival resources will have to suffice."

"... I can purchase the gifts for you if you provide the funds."

"Would you really do that for me?"

"Not for you. For her. I want to see Rapunzel happy."

"I see. Well, so long as we have the same goal in respect to her, I am glad it was not someone else in the church that night."

"You shouldn't be so careless next time."

"Indeed. Next time... Do you actually think she would want to see me again?"

"Andersen, you took her virginity. I'm positive she wants to see you again."

"Hmm... then in that case, I wouldn't even be angry if you watched us again."

"E-excuse me?"

"I'm not encouraging voyeurism, but as a reward for your silence I could turn a blind eye to your hidden presence if Rapunzel never finds out you've ever seen us."


Andersen then looked at his watch and frowned. "I have another meeting in the next five minutes. We will have to wrap this up for now. I will be in touch regarding the gifts and the funds for them. Until then, know that I appreciate your discretion on more than just a professional level. That is all." I left the meeting feeling more hopeful than I had going into it. I couldn't explain it, but the idea of seeing Rapunzel together again with Andersen filled me with electric curiosity and sent goosebumps flying across my skin.

I almost didn't know myself anymore.

Tags: Fandom, Nikke: Goddess Of Victory, Caught In Another World: Nikke Parallel Universe Story, Entertainment, Sexuality




2024 Into 2025

Date: January 1st, 2025 12:48 AM

Previously on PZ: Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halo Zero: Genesis


Just a few more minutes left of 2024, and I'm suddenly feeling quite nostalgic. This year was definitely a year of laying low and following my interests, just trying to make it day by day. Videogames, music, movies, manga, books, walks with my dog, coffee and tea while talking with friends, cannabis, delicious food... this year had a lot of genuinely good things in it. I weathered the inevitable annual mental storms and I've come out of another year with another new understanding of this world. And while it is not a very bright understanding, it is a deeply clarifying understanding nevertheless. I found some reasons to live after all, even if they all are far from perfect. I'll approach 2025 with the same "whatever happens, happens" attitude that has served me well, but I'll earnestly try to focus upon improving a little bit each day, and we'll see how it goes. I do hope it is a good year for me, though. And just like that, ready or not, onwards to the future we go...


Jeez, it practically sounded like gunfire outside around midnight, although it's probably just fireworks. I'm just sitting here with my feelings, wondering why I feel so nostalgic for 2024. Was it really that good of a year? It actually was a pretty good year for me, now that I'm looking back on it. Its the feeling that something is over and now completely certain, while at the same time something is beginning and is completely uncertain. That feels like a strange junction to be in, but I suppose that realistically every moment of our lives can be considered a liminal space in this way. Life is strange, though. A couple of months ago all I could think about was wanting to end it. Now I'm hoping for another good trip around the Sun. Well, that's the ebb and flow of existence for ya. The human world is held together with duct tape and bubblegum, while the universe is held together with paradox and contradiction. Anyways, it's just another new year, so what's with the big deal I'm making? I am almost too aware of the flow of time through space, and continuing to be here and now scares me. But I'll do my best anyways to move forward this year in a way I haven't been able to in all the years hitherto.

Tags: The Valentine, Sad Girl, Meditations




Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halo Zero: Genesis

Date: December 31st, 2024 11:11 PM

Previously on PZ: Caught In Another World: A NSFW Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halos 1-9

Previously on Caught In Another World: Halos 1-9

WARNING!: The following is a fanfiction based on the Nikke: Goddess Of Victory universe; as such I do not own these characters & this is not an official story. This part is SFW.

Nikke Goddess Of Victory Andersen and Rapunzel

Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story

Halo Zero: Genesis

It was just a stroke before midnight when Rapunzel made her way through the empty streets of the Outpost and entered the church, with a pained expression fixed upon her face. As she made her usual beeline towards the confessional booth, the beautifully glowing altar caught her eye and she paused. Since it was so late in the evening, and the church was entirely devoid of any other souls besides herself, she decided to confess directly before the shrine this time around.

"Please, forgive me, dear Lord, for I have sinned most grievously," she whispered as she knelt before the altar and folded her hands in prayer. A thousand thoughts swirled in her head, and she didn't know where to begin. To her dismay, hot tears suddenly spilled from her eyes and flowed down her angelic, rosy cheeks.

"Why... why does my heart cry feelings I can't fight?"

After a moment of silence, Rapunzel sniffed and wiped her tears away, continuing with her prayer: "I met with Believer tonight, and I... actually tried my hardest to seduce him this time. But he wasn't interested in me at all! I don't understand... is something wrong with me? Every time I see him, obscene thoughts fill my mind, and I cannot help myself... All I want is to... and for him to...!! Yet, alas," she sighed sadly, "This impure mind of mine must be tamed, if I don't want to lose him completely. It seems the gates to that paradise will forever remain closed to me... so please, Lord, save me from being consumed by these wicked temptations any further!!"

After she finished praying, Rapunzel stood and turned to leave— only to freeze in her tracks upon realizing that she was not alone in the church after all. To her surprise a solitary figure seated quietly in the shadows rose to their feet and started walking towards her, causing her heartbeat to thump uncontrollably in her chest. It was a man dressed in military uniform, tall, dark-haired and handsome, whose eyes never left her and seemed to exude a strange familiarity she could not place.

"I-I'm sorry," she stammered as he stopped immediately in front of her, staring into her soul from a pair of steely blue eyes, "I'm finished with my confession now. Hopefully you didn't have to hear any of it...?"

"I listened to every word," he replied stoically, his gaze upon her unwavering in its intensity. Rapunzel blushed uncomfortably and tightened her grip on her staff as her mind raced. Oh no! He heard everything?! Am I in trouble? Is he here to punish me for my obscene thoughts? But... it's not my fault! Oh, why didn't I just go into the confessional like I always do?!

The sound of his voice ripped her away from the threshold of an anxious meltdown. "I am not here to judge you, Rapunzel. So you can relax. I came because I heard rumor of a Pilgrim sighting here at the Outpost."

"Huh...? But... how did you know my name? Have we met before...?"

"You really do not recognize me, do you?... My name is Andersen, Deputy Chief of the Central Government Command. It has been a very long time, but... I was once your Legendary Commander."

A dawning of recognition flashed across Rapunzel's face as she suddenly realized why his visage was so strangely familiar to her. "...It's you! It really is you!" she cried joyfully as she jumped forth to embrace him. "I've been searching for you for so long! I thought for certain you had already passed away... I always wanted to give you your last rites, but I could never find any trace of you whatsoever! I'm so happy you're alive!!"

"I have never stopped searching for you, either," he replied as he warmly hugged her in return. "It was never my wish for you all to live upon the surface alone..."

"Oh, it... isn't as bad as it seems, I suppose," she responded sheepishly, "Although it does get rather lonely up there sometimes..."

"Is that why you were visiting your new commander so late at night?" Andersen probed with a smirk.

"N-no! W-well... yes, perhaps just a little... Believer is a very, um... good man, you see..."

"I see you're still struggling with your lustful thoughts, even after all this time. Why not give into them? It could be exactly what you need."

"Ahh! But— I cannot!"

"Didn't I hear you say that you just tried your hardest to seduce a man?"

"O-oh!! I... do suppose you're right about that. But I failed. The only man I've ever felt comfortable expressing that part of myself to... doesn't want anything to do with me." Rapunzel's entire demeanor drooped sadly as she spoke her last sentence looking at the floor.

"There are other fish in the sea, you know. That moron doesn't have the slightest idea what he's rejecting. You might as well spend your time dreaming about a real man if you're going to entertain such thoughts."

"There aren't many men up on the surface, and certainly none that are like him."

"I can tell you're struggling with a case of unrequited love, but Rapunzel..." As Andersen trailed off he placed his fingers under her chin and pulled her face upwards, forcing her to meet his gaze. "I am a good man standing right in front of you. It may have been long ago, but I have fought beside you on the battlefield and listened to your concerns in the past. Will you not grant me the same consideration as you've granted him?"

A light seemed to dawn in Rapunzel's eyes as she listened. "My... consideration? When you put it like that, then... Would you really...?"

"Everything you have dreamed of with him could be us instead. And more."

"Oh—oh my!! That would be amazing! Ahh— I mean, I-I-I'll have to contemplate it! We do live in opposite worlds, after all. A midway rendezvous point may be hard to find..."

"We can start here, tonight."

"Wh-what? You mean HERE?"




"In the middle of a CHURCH?!"


"Have you gone mad?! That's sacrilege!"

"No, it isn't. It's the most perfect worship known to mankind. Long ago, entire temples were built for this kind of devotion. No God worth their salt would ever place such urges in our hearts only to turn around and condemn them. So, Rapunzel, what do you say?" He extended his hand to her and held it in midair. "We can follow our desires and enter the gates of paradise together, or... you can cry your eyes out pining for a man who does not reciprocate your feelings. I leave the choice to you."

Rapunzel tentatively stared at Andersen's outstretched hand for several moments as she visibly deliberated upon his proposal. "I... I choose... you!" she said under her breath as she placed her hand in his. To her great surprise, the moment their palms fully touched he pulled her close to him and kissed her deeply before she even had a chance to resist. It was the first time she had ever been kissed by a man, and it was every bit as lovely as the kisses she had hitherto only dreamed of.

"Tonight, you belong to me," he told her earnestly, "the Devil can come for us tomorrow. But for now, we need to get you out of these clothes..."

Andersen... you have no idea how much this means to me! ♥

Tags: Fandom, Nikke: Goddess Of Victory, Caught In Another World: Nikke Parallel Universe Story, Entertainment, Sexuality, God




Caught In Another World: A NSFW Nikke Parallel Universe Story | Halos 1-9

Date: December 30th, 2024 3:47 PM

Previously on PZ: My Life: December 2024

One of my favorite pieces I created this year is a recent one, a NSFW fanfiction hailing from the Nikke: Goddess Of Victory universe. It started as personal masturbation material a singular vision, then morphed into a whole story that's still in the works. This entry reveals Halos 1-9: the original incident that started it all. Next comes Halo Zero, which recounts the events leading up to the original incident. After that comes Halos 10 and 11, both detailing the immediate aftermath of the incident. Halos 12 and beyond are still being written. The first-person POV is the protagonist, just like in the game. Since fanfiction is good writing practice for me, and I'm recently making earnest efforts to streamline my compositions these days, I actually went ahead and wrote the story this time instead of just leaving it in development hell like most of my other projects. Evidently, hentai is very motivating for me. I hope to share this story elsewhere as well so others can enjoy it too.

WARNING!: The following is a NSFW fanfiction intended for those 18+ in age. I do not own these characters & this is not an official story.

Nikke Goddess Of Victory Andersen and Rapunzel

Caught In Another World: A Nikke Parallel Universe Story

What started as a steamy one-night stand turned into something even more scandalous.

Halo One: Beautiful Strangers

Sometime after midnight, I found myself wide awake and unable to go back to sleep. It must have been another nightmare. The Ark's situation has been dire for some time now, and my mind was tense as a drum. I decided to go for a walk to gain a breath of fresh air, hoping it would help me clear my head. I walked and walked while my mind ruminated, and didn't look around me until I suddenly found myself standing in front of the church. I was surprised I had covered so much ground during my walk, and decided to go inside since I had come all of the way from the Command Center. The main doorway was shut tight and locked, impossible for me to open. In the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of a much smaller doorway off to the side, and decided to try it. I wondered why the prayer house's doors would be locked at all, even in the middle of the night, but to my relief the smaller door opened, allowing me to enter the church.

As soon as I entered I could hear a strange sound off in the distance. It almost sounded like someone was in trouble, but as I drew closer to its source I could tell it was a woman moaning deeply, apparently ingrained in the throes of passion. Despite my initial astonishment, my curiosity was intensely piqued, and I became determined to discover the identity behind such a familiar feminine voice.

Halo Two: Saint Became A Lush

At the far end of the nave, the moaning woman sat spread-eagle upon the altar, with both of her wrists firmly tied to opposite arms of the large equilateral cross statue behind her. She wore a nun's veil and absolutely nothing else, while a tall, muscular, shirtless man was busily making movements with his right hand that I could not see from my current perspective. Using a careful stealth I had never before employed in my life, I crept closer and closer to the altar while hiding in the shadows along the side of the nave. Neither of the defilers had any idea I was there, watching them, listening to them, and soon about to confirm my suspicions as to both of their identities.

"Oh! Ohhhh! Ah! Ah! Ahhh... It feels... like heaven!"

"...See, I told you this is what you've needed", the man crooned at her in a low, sultry voice. "My hand is soaked in the proof of your lust."

I froze in shock the moment I caught a good look at their faces, my suspicions confirmed immediately.

Is that... Rapunzel?! With... Deputy Chief Andersen?!? Here... in the Outpost's church?!

Halo Three: Bad Things With You

It was then that I realized this was why the church's doors were shut tight and locked up. Andersen's right hand churned to and fro as his glistening fingers slid in and out of Rapunzel's beautiful genitals with a lively cadence, causing the naked priestess to moan and writhe in ecstasy. While at first glance he appeared to be rather rough with her, I realized that his mannerism was so smooth and certain that he never once seemed to cause her any discomfort. He seemed to be enjoying himself as much as she was.

"Three fingers, Rapunzel. And you thought you could only handle one."

"Oh— ah, ah! But, ah, my lord! Should we, ah, really, ah, ah, be doing this? Ahhh!"

"Shhhhh..." Andersen shushed as his left hand moved from her thigh to her face, where he pressed an index finger firmly against her rosy lips. "Of course we shouldn't be doing this, especially not here," he said to her in a low tone as he curled his fingers and thumb around her neck, "But I know you don't want me to stop doing... this... now do you?"

Rapunzel, who had been blushing uncontrollably, suddenly became even redder as Andersen's resolute thumb massaged her shining pink clitoris with strong circular motions. "Oh! Oh my! Oh no, please! Don't stop! I beg of you!", she pleaded.

For several moments the only sound that could be heard was Rapunzel's cries of passion echoing throughout the church as the deputy chief mercilessly commandeered her erogenous zone. His gaze upon her intensified as he witnessed the entirety of her quivering body, her flawless skin, her heaving breasts, her panting mouth, and her large, liquid blue eyes. His mouth curled into a triumphant smirk as a lifetime of her suppressed libido visibly surged throughout her body like electricity, bringing Rapunzel to a thunderous orgasm.

"Ah, ahh, AHHHH!!"

Halo Four: The World Is Not Enough

"You're ready for me now," Andersen muttered somberly beneath his breath as he withdrew his dripping fingers and began to unfasten his leather belt. Rapunzel watched in amazement as he quickly unzipped his pants and pulled them down around his hips before tugging at his boxers in the same manner. A bit of fear flashed in her eyes as she suddenly came to a realization, and she began to protest.

"Oh! Oh, my goodness! My— my lord! Its... so BIG! I—I cannot! I have never— not even once—!!"

Andersen wordlessly ignored her pleas as he removed his hardening cock from the confines of his boxer briefs and placed its tip within the lips of Rapunzel's glistening vulva. With his cock in position he glared into Rapunzel's nervous eyes and began to push his way inside her, relishing the sound of her every squeak and sigh until he was entirely within her. When he could push no further, he paused and let out a satisfied groan as he savored the feeling of warm female flesh enveloping his throbbing phallus.

It was at this point that I suddenly realized I was in pain. I had been so mesmerized by the debauchery before my eyes that I hadn't felt my own cock becoming engorged within my pants, until it pressed against its fabric prison so uncomfortably that I did not hesitate one moment to unzip my fly and set it free. With my hard cock pulsing within my right hand, I began to stroke it gently and quickly returned my full attention to the flagrant perversion taking place on the church's altar.

Halo Five: Closer To God

The virgin priestess, upon no longer being a virgin, could barely conceal the subversive effects of having her body suddenly filled to the brim with the raw male power she had dreamt of for so many years before that night. Several times Andersen pulled his thick cock out of her nearly to the tip before plunging it once again into her blushing vagina, causing Rapunzel to gasp and moan uncontrollably beneath his salacious gaze.

"How does it feel, saintess, to finally receive everything you've ever wanted?" he asked as he continued to slide in and out of her, his cock now glistening with her orgasmic fluids.

"Oh, dear lord!" she sighed, "It, ah, it feels... so wonderful! But... but, I can't! It... it's too much!!"

"You can handle it," Andersen retorted as he became a bit more forceful with his actions.

"Ah! Ahh! B-but... this is sinful! We mustn't... ah, ah... defile this holy place with... ohh... such impurity...!"

"The God of desire is smiling upon us... we mustn't disappoint them." His hands gripped her thighs a little more tightly as he pushed his way inside her yet again.

"G-God... of... desire? Oh, oh!! Oh my! I'm seeing stars!"

As I stroked my own cock to the timing of Andersen's dexterous movements, I could hardly believe the tantalizing Nikke before him had never been known by any other man in her life. I remembered how Rapunzel could barely help herself as she flirted with me many times in the past, only to now feel a pang of both regret and jealousy at not having seized my chances with her earlier. Instead, Andersen had become her erotic savior, and all I could do now was watch them enviously from the shadows as he fulfilled their combined carnal desires.

Halo Six: Kiss Of Fire

In the midst of her whimpering, Rapunzel let slip a question that made the hair stand up straight on the back of my neck:

"But Commander... what if we get caught?!"

Commander... Commander? She called him by... my title!

It seemed I was not the only one affected by this choice of words, as Andersen responded by narrowing his eyes and grimacing reproachfully before speaking gruffly with her. "If someone were to see us, I would handle it. Tonight, I do not care what it takes to have you. But if you call me 'Commander' again..." He gritted his teeth and used his thumb to part her lips before maneuvering his fingers deep into Rapunzel's mouth before adding: "I will have to punish you somehow."

"Oh— OH!"

Rapunzel's eyes flashed with sensual curiosity, but she had no time to otherwise respond to his carefully whispered carnal promise before he began to pump his steel-hard cock in and out of her with more aggressive fervor than before, sending small droplets of erotic fluids flinging into the air every time his pelvis made contact with hers. Andersen's overpowering dominance rendered the prim-and-proper priestess utterly moonstruck.

"...I can feel you sucking your own juices off my fingers, Rapunzel. So tell me... how does it taste?"

Her reply came through as an incoherent and breathless mumble, to which Andersen merely chuckled and said "Nevermind, then... I'll just have to take a taste for myself."

As his fingers slid out of her mouth and grasped her jawline, Andersen wasted no time in pulling her face closer to his. As soon as his lips touched hers, he forced his tongue into her mouth as deeply as it could go, and began to lick. As Rapunzel squirmed and squeaked and flexed her rope-bound hands, he never once stopped his hips from pumping his cock in and out of her. It was a beautifully erotic sight to behold, so much so that I could feel a bit of liquid seeping out from the tip of my own cock as I continued to stroke it in unison with the deputy chief's movements.

Halo Seven: Tear You Apart

"Mmm... so delicious," Andersen murmured as he pulled away from Rapunzel's gaping mouth. "I must say, you're taking my cock in stride rather well for a celibate maiden. Your body is positively glowing with aphrodisia."

Speechless Rapunzel gazed at him in a daze as if she were hypnotized, a small stream of saliva dripping from the corner of her mouth. Andersen hoisted her legs upon his shoulders and affectionately kissed her ankle before placing his palm upon her beating heart. "Stay with me, Rapunzel," he urged her, "The kid gloves are about to come off. You can handle another crescendo... won't you? Do it for me, and I promise you we will enter paradise together."

With these words, Andersen wrapped his hands firmly around her waist, and began to pound her far harder than he had before. The empty church resounded with a mixture of sharp gasps and wet slaps as Rapunzel's slippery cunt took a fierce beating. Andersen pursed his lips as he focused entirely upon maintaining the rhythm of his violently thrusting cock, while Rapunzel practically screamed in pleasure as the minutes passed this way.

"Grrr... I need more of you. Come here."

To Rapunzel's bewilderment (as well as my own), Andersen pulled out a pocketknife and hastily cut off her restraints before straddling her thighs around his hips and pulling her arms around his neck. "Do not let go," he instructed adamantly. Rapunzel nodded eagerly without saying a word as he lifted her up off the altar by her buttocks and mounted her upon his rigid phallus just as easily as if she were a heavyset human.

Halo Eight: We Like It Heavy

I froze in shock when I saw this. He can lift a NIKKE?! In his condition? And not only lift, but actively...? I knew the deputy chief was jacked, but this was the first time I realized just how strong he truly was.

"Oh! Oh my! Goodness! Don't hurt yourself, please!" Rapunzel gasped breathlessly, evidently as surprised by his show of strength as I was.

"I can handle it", the deputy chief responded with a huff, "Now look at me, and do not look away until I am finished."

With her voluminous breasts pressed against his pectorales, I could see Rapunzel's eyes begin to water as Andersen continued his sexual onslaught while wrapped in her embrace. His large, sinuous hands grasped her voluptuous arse with an iron grip as he continued to thrust into her again and again and again.

"I am getting close", he whispered lowly, his gaze upon her intensifying.

"So am I", she confided in return, grinning bashfully with a small giggle.

Andersen flashed a rare, toothy smile I had never before seen. Did I even see that? Was that real? Before I could marvel at the possibility of Andersen possessing a romantically sentimental side to him, my attention was ripped away by the sounds of Rapunzel's impending climax.

"Oh! Oh— my Lord! Oh my Looooorrd!! Hngggghhh!!"

As she began to reach the height of pleasure yet again, Rapunzel's entire body trembled evermore violently and her cries of passion once again reached a crescendo; but she managed to not look away from the deputy chief's gaze even once, just as he requested. Having felt her vaginal tremors pulsating around his unyielding erection, Andersen was finally sent over the edge. His eyes closed and a guttural moan escaped his lips as he released a torrent of his inner demons into the sanctifying portal of the perverted nun's hungry vagina. Even as he came inside her, he slowed but did not stop pumping his cock to and fro, causing his pearly white semen to squirt out every time he entered her. When his pumping came to a halt and the lovers finally caught their breath, I was amazed at how much of his cum leaked out from Rapunzel's beautiful genitals.

It was the hottest thing I had ever seen in my entire life.

Halo Nine: Bad Romance

Not a single word was spoken as the two paramours dressed themselves. Andersen watched Rapunzel as she absentmindedly fidgeted with a clasp on her outfit, and seemed to want to say something to her. He gently intervened to fix her clasp himself, and their eyes locked in a tender stare. She also looked as if she wanted to say something to him, but didn't know how to break the silence.

"How are you feeling, priestess?", Andersen asked her softly. "No regrets, I hope."

"N-no, no regrets!" she said with a nervous smile while wringing her hands. "I've just... never had it like this before, you know. I don't know how to feel, or what to think..."

"Hmm... that's understandable. In a certain sense, I have taken your innocence away. But you must realize that the lust you believe plagues your soul actually comes from a divine source. Aversion to it is a human malady. I cannot tell you what to believe, but you shouldn't allow these things to trouble you so. As for me, there is nothing in all the worlds that can convince me what happened tonight was anything less than wonderful."

Rapunzel soaked up his words like a sponge, and became thoughtful for a moment. "I think I see what you mean... B-but... there is something I really must know..."

"What is it? Ask me anything, and I will give you an honest answer."

Rapunzel drew in a sharp breath and spoke timidly: "Lord Andersen, are you... an angel... or a devil?"

For a moment she thought she had offended him with her choice of words, as his pokerface gained a subtle flash of interest she hadn't expected. "Say it again", he requested to her surprise.

"A-are you a...?"

"No, not that part. My name. Say my name, Rapunzel"


The deputy chief closed his eyes and sighed contentedly, flashing another rare smile as he let out a soft chuckle. "Like music to my ears... Thank you, truly."

"Andersen," she pleaded, "Please, answer my question."

Andersen became serious again and gingerly placed his hands upon her shoulders. "My dear, you can relax. I am neither angel nor devil, but a mortal man of strong conviction. You could say I am an apostle of the God of desire. The very same God you pray to, as a matter of fact."

Upon hearing this, a light of realization flashed in Rapunzel's eyes. "The same God..." she pondered aloud while pensively biting her thumb.

Andersen glanced at his watch and sighed. "It is later than I expected... we should get going. Neither of us can afford a scandal, and I'm certain you have a long journey ahead of you. I can, however, spare enough time to escort you to the surface... if you wouldn't mind."

"O-oh, okay then. Thank you, truly."

Rapunzel gave a small curtsy as he held a door ajar for her, and the two unexpected lovers disappeared into the back of the church, leaving me alone in the shadows standing over a messy spattering of my own seed. I zipped up my fly, and quickly made my way out of the church with only one thought swirling in my head: what the hell did I just witness, and will it happen again?

Tags: Fandom, Nikke: Goddess Of Victory, Caught In Another World: Nikke Parallel Universe Story, NSFW, Raunchy, Entertainment, Sexuality, God




My Life: December 2024

Date: December 28th, 2024 1:27 PM

Previously on PZ: Christmas Eve 2024 Apostatical Thoughts

This year has been like living in a bipolar reality. I got a new job and a new place to live early in the year, which has been very good for me. I was pretty depressed for a while leading up to Election Day, and feel pretty justified in my misanthropic musings upon seeing who won it. I was hospitalized in mid November for a giant blood clot in my right leg (again), and somehow came out of it with a renewed hope for life (I have no idea how it happend, but I'm grateful for that particular mind switch). This year I revisited Final Fantasy VIII, IX, and X, played the original Final Fantasy game for the first time, started playing Nikke: Goddess Of Victory in October, continued using the Finch app, and have been consuming all media I can get my hands on of Ghost In The Shell ever since the Winter Solstice. I started playing the original Silent Hill game again, only to grind to a halt at the same spot I always get stuck in: the fight with Cybil in the amusement park. I listened to various OSTs from Studio Ghibli, the FF games I mentioned, GITS, Nikke, Helluva Boss, The Amazing Digital Circus, Redline, Cowboy Bebop, The Piano, and The Social Network (a blah movie with an excellent soundtrack it never deserved). I listened to a lot of Lofi Girl, 2814, Frank Sinatra, Nine Inch Nails (also Trent Reznor/Atticus Ross duo), Dance With The Dead, Massive Attack, My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult, and Lady Gaga. I've listened to a lot of various artists and classical music, too; I've even listened to music made for dogs. For a hot second I listened to David Bowie's Starman on repeat. I'm sure there's more I'm not remembering at the moment. I also worked on several of my projects quite a bit, and even started making a tiny videogame using PICO-8. Lately I've been keeping myself busy with drawing, painting, and writing, trying to keep the pen moving regardless of what comes out of it. When the pen stops, I sink deep, and so I have to keep it moving... if I'm going to continue to live, that is. I don't know where I'm going anymore, but when I look back on my life, I never really knew anyways. I'm doing my best to just focus on the present moment, without ruminating on the past or worrying about the future. I'll get better slowly, in private, without the consent of the rest of the world, and that's all there is to it.

By all means, it wasn't a bad year. I've come out of this trip around the Sun with a clarity I consider both a blessing and a curse.

And as for the next trip? This 2025 year, I think what I'll do is, I'll pretend I'm one of those deaf-mutes. Because I'm done with this society, and have been for quite some time. However, I still have a cosmic mission to carry out, and failure is not an option. I can't die yet.

Tags: My Life, The Valentine, Personal Development, Fandom




Christmas Eve 2024 Apostatical Thoughts

Date: December 26th, 2024 9:58 PM

Previously on PZ: Monster Time

Written on Christmas Eve 2024:

"I'm home from Dennny's now, I just enjoyed some coffee and apple crisp by myself (as usual). I spent some time there looking at the tree they have decorated & thinking about how I'd like to have a tree for myself next year. I tried to see if Billy wanted to do a small sesh tonight, but I texted too late & he's already turning into bed. I'm thinking about the past & how it both haunts and inspires me. I'm thinking about how any nice things I experienced in the past can still be carried with me into the future... such as Christmas trees, something I largely considered a relic from my past. But right now, I think I would like to have a nice low-key 2025 year, one day at a time, and that requires me to not be haunted by my past any further.

The religion I was raised with in the past is not my own. But my true religion can and does include everything and anything wonderful that the old religion ever had. I can carry those things forward with me into the future. I don't need to abandon the past entirely. I just need to find a way to exist comfortably in the present... or else my future will just continue to be colored by the past. I hope 2025 turns out to be a good year. Only time will tell, though.

The rest of tonight will be spent listening to Christmas music on the radio and continuing to binge-watch Ghost In The Shell: Stand Alone Complex; maybe another walk around the block with Medusa will be in order as well. I'm looking forward to a potluck with my coworkers tomorrow. I just wish I knew what to bring!"

Narrator Voice: *she did not, in fact, bring anything to the potluck, because she dropped the ball and all the stores were closed by the time she came out of her shell. But her friends were very glad to see her anyways, and did not mind one bit... the best Christmas present of all!*

Tags: The Valentine, Personal Development, Religion, My Life




Monster Time

Date: December 21st, 2024 10:46 PM

Previously on PZ: Vaporwave Love: Sad Girl In A Beautiful World

It came to my attention some time ago that the only people who bother to read anything I write here on PZ are only doing so because they are looking for something wrong with it. And I came extremely close to pulling the plug on my websites the same way I did with my social media profiles. But then I realized something: if people want to find a monster in me so badly, who am I to disappoint them? I've learned something in life, and it's this: when people try to humble me, I should not comply. When someone wants to see me in a bad light, I should give them more of what they want, not less. More cringe. More hot takes. More taboo. I can really put on a show, if that's what people want. I see no compelling reason to hold myself back or attempt to be some sort of prim-and-proper human being any longer. We are living in an age of monsters, and I am but a product of my time. In other words: their boos mean nothing, because I've seen what makes them cheer.

Tags: The Valentine, Personal Development